I was recently challenged by Leslie Ludy (from setapartgirl.com) in her book “Authentic Beauty” to start making practical steps towards following God with all my heart. One of these things was to wake up early and read the word and pray to Him. Today I read her latest blog post: http://setapartgirl.com/leslie-ludy/blog/12-31-12/waking-heavenly-attitude She challenged us to wake up with a song in our heart: “This is the day the Lord has made, and I will rejoice and be glad in it!” (Psalm 118:24) I’ve been trying to discipline myself to go to sleep at 10pm and wake up at 5am in order to start the day with Jesus. I’m doing pretty good on the waking up part, but now my challenge is to change my attitude to be more favorable. My first thoughts are often panicked and frustrated. Then I’ll start wondering to myself what I need to do for the day. And only then will I remember WHY on earth I get up at that ridiculous hour. I am trying to discipline myself to give my first hours of the day to GOD so that I can proceed with the rest of my day with a God-fearing attitude! Once I get going I really do enjoy my first hour with Him. I want to one-up myself again, though, and start from the very first second with a delight in Him and a desire to honor Him in everything I do during the day. As Leslie challenged me in her blog, I want to have this thought running through my head from the moment I wake up to the moment I go to sleep: “How can I bring you glory today, Lord Jesus?”