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Beyond Ourselves: How Can the Unreached Be Reached?

Writer: Kyla N. WiebeKyla N. Wiebe

Last weekend I attended missions conference at my school, Millar College of the Bible. I was so encouraged and bolstered up in my faith! Missions conference reminded me about why I’m going into the mission field. Missions is for God and the proclamation of his wonderful attributes and characteristics! And did I mention the good news that HEY HE WANTS US TO BE WITH HIM!!!!

At Missions Conference I bought a book called: Beyond Ourselves: How Can the Unreached Be Reached? There are questions at the end of each chapter, and I thought it would be a worthwhile exercise to answer them, and publicly post my answers. Sometimes it’s hard to know what to tell people when they enquire about missions. I think it’ll be helpful to answer specific questions from a stellar book on missions. My hope is that it will be enlightening and encouraging for both you and me.

The point of the book is not to answer this question: “What can I do to reach the unreached?” This question limits the answer to the narrow field of Kyla Wiebe’s experience, talent, and ability. The question is more holistic: How can the Unreached be reached? It widens the range of opportunity.

The title of the first chapter was: (How can the Unreached be Reached?) By Refocusing on the Purpose of Missions.

Here were the questions:

1. What is your church’s understanding of the purpose of missions?

My church has a excellent understanding of the purpose of missions, if you ask me. There is a high focus on the True Truthfulness of the Bible, a high focus on prayer, and a high focus on holy living. Also, there are many people in my church who are actively ministering within Portage, as well as several people who have gone – or are going to –  a mission field far away.

PEC, according to their website, upholds these values:

  1. We value Biblical Truth.

  2. We value deep intimacy with Jesus.

  3. We value discipleship.

  4. We value holy living.

  5. We value evangelism and missions; both locally and globally and our responsibility to our persecuted brothers and sisters around the world.

(For this list in more detail, visit this link:

I’d say that my church’s understanding of missions is quite sound! When I was overseas last time, it occurred to me that mission work is basically just normal Christian life, but somewhere else. A person who applies these values anywhere in the world = a person who is in missions.

2. How do the practices of your church support that purpose?

My church practices closely align with their values. Our pastors teach sound doctrine, and inspire us to fall in love with the Word ourselves. Our pastors also go on missions trips and encouraged the people of the church to do so as well. Our church is open all week. It is always prepared to feed the hungry and encouraged the lost people who wander in at any time. There is furniture and supplies available to give to immigrants in the church building. Our prayer meetings are well attended. The youth of our church are just as excited and fired up to pray as the older generation! My church’s support of me as a missionary has been overwhelmingly generous and kind. They don’t only support me, but several other missionaries. Not only that, they have a budget for missions trips, biblical training, and other outreach opportunities. My church regularly remembers our persecuted brothers and sisters, and we pray for them.

3. Does your church have a clearly defined list of missions’ priorities? If so, what are they? If not, what should they be?

I think that our church’s values (which I summarized earlier), though not labeled as “missions’ priorities,” are indeed clearly defined and very pertinent to missions.

4. Does your church make mission decisions based on emotional appeal, on personalities, or according to clearly understood priorities?

Because of my church’s high value of Biblical Truth and intimacy with Jesus, I would not describe PEC as a church led by emotions. I would also vouch that my church doesn’t decisions based on personal bias (thought I do hope they like me as a person! haha). My church strives to only be led by obedience to Jesus and truth from his Word.

Being sent by my church makes me realize how much I am held accountable. They truly want God’s will to be done on earth as it is in heaven. One of the most frequent prayers my pastor prays is: “Lord, I’m not asking you to give so-and-so an easy life. Their life may be full of trials and hurt, but Lord let them live their life like a burning fire for you.”

I am so proud of my church, and I am happy that I am being sent off to Taiwan with such a church at my back. Praise the Lord.


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