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Kyla’s Current Events:

Writer: Kyla N. WiebeKyla N. Wiebe

Hello Everyone! I thought I’d give a little update on what kind of things I’ve been doing lately.

My day-to-day activities consist mainly of sitting in front of my computer and drawing, drawing, drawing. I don’t know if you know this, but animation is actually a lot of work. Whereas in film you can just get pre-existing characters to interact with a pre-existing environment, animation requires that you create EVERYTHING. It’s like being a little god, making your little world. Don’t worry, I don’t actually think I’m a god. 😉


We also continue to visit the Rock every Wednesday. For those of you who saw my cartoon of the awkward conversation I had with “white fever” guy, don’t worry! It’s not always like that. Yesterday I talked for a couple of hours with some friends, then went to serve drinks and coffee. I topped off the night by sitting with a group of high-school friends and having a jolly time chatting with them.

2016-07-27 - 7_the_Rock
2016-07-27 - 8_the_Rock

Last weekend I got to have the opportunity to see the receiving end of one of Create’s film projects. Create made a live action film for local Taiwanese people this year, and I got to participate by playing violin for the soundtrack. We went to Puzi to show the film publicly for the first time! We don’t often get to see how people react to our projects first hand, we usually get a report later saying, “aw gee they liked it a lot!” or whatever. But this time we got to see the Real People watch the film. It was a very neat experience. They all wanted a sequel. 😀

I got to experience the famous Taiwanese hospitality first hand, too. They fed us every fifteen minutes, it seemed!!! We. Were. Stuffed. Lucky for us, it was delicious food.

In my spare time I take time off from my vigorous drawing schedule and… draw for my own pleasure! I also write a bit. I’m working on a comic. It’s just in the baby stages, and I’m enjoying this process. Don’t expect anything to come up any time soon. 😉 I’m taking my time. I don’t want to rush the story just for the sake of getting it out there.


Even since I drew these character design ideas, some things have radically changed. It’s so cool how a story grows up and evolves.

Things are going quite well, but I still get homesick quite often. Please pray for me that I will live life to the fullest, here where God has put me. There’s another month left of production phase, and after that our student and some of our staff will go home. I’ll let you know what I’m doing after production phase, later.

I love you and miss you guys!



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