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Leavin’ on a Jet Plane…

Writer: Kyla N. WiebeKyla N. Wiebe
So kiss me and smile for me Tell me that you’ll wait for me Hold me like you’ll never let me go ‘Cause I’m leavin’ on a jet plane Don’t know when I’ll be back again Oh babe, I hate to go…

Those lyrics have never felt so…. felt by me before. The last time I left “for lands unknown” I was full of sparkly, excitement, with no thought or care for what I left behind, because I knew I was returning in simply no time at all, and there was no need to fret and fuss over a short year’s absence. But I’ll be honest with you, my friends. This time feels quite different. Perhaps being four years older than the Kyla who left for Thailand is enough to make me feel much more sober and serious. Perhaps I have more to leave than last time: three years of friendships built in Bible school, a summer of investing in my church, and of course a continued loving relationship with my family. These things come to my mind as invaluable treasures, not left lightly.

So, I’m starting off more homesick than I thought I would be. 🙂

But on the other hand, this is where God has placed me. Though my roots have been “torn asunder” as it were, the hand that pulled me out will plant me again, and it’s in that hand that I put my faith, not in the soil in which I’m placed.

I got here safely, without a hitch, and am now living in the Dan shui district of Taipei Taiwan, a land of tall buildings, narrow streets, a plethora of smells, motorcycles, and rain.

I live in a flat with three lovely roommates a few stories up an apartment building. Just down the street a bit is the SoCAM office, where for the past few days I have been enjoying staff training. I knew my school leader, and a fellow staff member named Siggi from my time in Thailand, but the other two staff members I am just getting to know now. I think we’ll have a great time working together.


The weather is… cold! Surprised? I was. It’s cool and damp, and rains frequently. It’s weird to say, but I’m looking forward to the weather getting warmer. Soon it will be swelteringly hot and damp, and will rain frequently. Yaaay…?

Today our student for the year arrived. I haven’t met him yet, but tomorrow we will have the school orientation and get to know him a bit. It may seem strange that there is only one student, and with only one it does present difficulties in the budget, but the SoCAM’s goal is primarily to produce contextualized cartoon resources for unreached people groups, so it works out that our student is joining us sort of like a “junior team member,” so to speak. Everyone in the school – staff and students – work on the project together.

But speaking of only one student… There is an opportunity yet, friends of mine, to join the SoCAM for this year for two week seminars. You will not have to commit to the whole six months, but you can come to learn about a subject of interest to you. This would help the school immensely with the budget, and you will get quality education on how to do Comics and Cartooning, Digital Graphics, or Digital 2D Animation! Check out this link to learn more: 

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I’ll sign off by saying that I miss you, my friends back home, more than I can say. Please pray for me that I will lead with love, and that I would get to know God as my strong foundation even more during this time of uprootedness.

Blessings on you, and thank you.


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