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Moksh: Story 7 has been posted!

Writer: Kyla N. WiebeKyla N. Wiebe

I know I already said Moksh: Story 7 was finished (as in, my part of the project is finished), but now indeed! It IS finished! (Christian joke intended.)

I'm happy to announce that all of the 7 stories are now posted on Youtube. But there's more! I'm currently part of an online YWAM school, called the Frontier Comics Seminar. As it says on its informational web page:

The six week Frontier Comics Seminar (FCS), helps you hone your cartooning skills; giving you an understanding of the potential for comics to impact the unreached with the hope of the Gospel.

The seminar is breaks into two parts, the Lecture Phase and Production Phase.

During the Lecture Phase, speakers come to teach on things such as:

  • Contextualization

  • Story Telling

  • Figure Drawing

  • Character Design

  • Digital Art (Clip Studio Paint)

During the Production Phase, both staff and students will work as a team on a contextualized project for an unreached people group.

*You do not need to have completed a DTS to do the Frontier Comics Seminar

Check out this FCS promo! (I'm basically copying the FCS page on the YWAM Takatsui website, but there's more info there if you are interested in this school. Please check it out!)

The reason I bring the FCS up is because during the production phase, we may create a Moksh comic! It's pretty neat to see how this project might keep going in new iterations! We don't know exactly how that's going to look, comic-wise, but I can imagine a narrative being created from the original Moksh script, or perhaps a new narrative with contemporary characters who want to learn about Moksh.

My past FCS involvement

Last time I staffed an FCS we made a comic to tell Mongolian people about Jesus. The narrative was based on "The 7 Essential Commands of Jesus," and followed the story of a convicted traitor who must be executed for his crimes. As he's led to his death, the hope of the gospel is shared with him and he is given a miraculous assurance of his salvation, not based on what he's done, but based on the grace of a mighty King and Father, God himself! I've shared a few random pages from the comic here, but if you want to read the whole thing, click the link I shared. You can also see the Mongolian version on the website!

I am pretty proud of this project, and I'm looking forward to seeing what the staff and students do this year!

So please pray for us!

  1. That the Frontier Comics Seminar would run smoothly. It's the first online version of this school, so there are a lot more technological considerations to make, and a lot more prep that needs to be done by the staff.

  2. That the FCS staff and students would be able to make a useful comic to evangelize to Hindus, and that the Moksh 7 Stories animations would be a powerful springboard for them.

  3. That the Moksh 7 Stories, now that they're complete, would be discovered by people who need to see them and that they would bear a lot of good, useful fruit!

As always, I'd like to invite anyone who would like to support me as I do this kind of work to join my Patreon. Thank you for reading, and praying, and coming with me on this art/faith journey!


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