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Wait a second…. It’s 2014!

Writer: Kyla N. WiebeKyla N. Wiebe

Exciting thing! The new year has started, as has my second year of Millar College of the Bible. I am terribly excited for the semester to come! This semester I’ll be taking Jeremiah/Ezekiel, Principles of Teaching, Hosea-Zephaniah, Homiletics, Romans, I, II Corinthians, as well as being part of the drama team and orchestra!

I am especially excited to learn how to teach and preach, because there will inevitably be times in my life where I’ll have to do either or both of these things. In Homiletics, I was delighted to hear these phrases from Jorin, our teacher: “Preaching is an art. If you’re an artist, you may find it comes quite naturally.” “If you’re in the drama team, you have an advantage.” “Preaching is like music, because there are so many good ways to break the rules.” WELL HEY THERE! I, Kyla Wiebe am an artist who is in the drama team and knows how to make music! What I’m hoping most from that class is to learn how to present truth in a kind and gentle way.

Which brings me conveniently to my New Year Resolution! I, Kyla, resolve to do my utmost to develop gentleness in my life. When I was younger, I thought the best way to “convert” (ugh. awful word, isn’t that?) my peers was to argue them into submission. I have been told that my “intelligence” is intimidating. Wah! I have been quite convicted by this passage:

“And I, when I came to you, brothers, did not come proclaiming to you the testimony of God with lofty speech or wisdom (italics mine). For I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and him crucified. And I was with you in weakness and in fear and much trembling, and my speech and my message were not in plausible words of wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power, so that your faith might not rest in the wisdom of men but in the power of God” (1 Corinthians 2:1-5).

I also hope to, in the spirit of those verse, emphasize Jesus in everything I learn and study. The whole Bible points to Jesus. Jesus is The Gospel. He really is All That. I could go on, but perhaps I should leave that for a later blog post. haha.

Back to news and things:

I’ll be holding an art sale in Swift in the near future (I don’t know exactly when. I’ll update that later) of art that I did for a book of compiled stories from some of the elderly folk of Swift Current. It’s called, “There’s playing our song,” and Kathy, my drama instructor, wrote a play to go along with it that we will be performing (also on a date I can’t recall, yet) with the old folks themselves! I’m quite excited about it. The funds will be used to pay for my friends’ portion of the Japan trip. I had said at the beginning that if I had extra moolah I’d give that away, and this art sale provides a perfect opportunity to do just that! There will be a silent auction for the original pieces, as well as prints to order and bundles of small cards with the art on those. Be there or be square. 😉

Here’s a few of my favorites from the book

I’ll leave it at that, for now, though there is much to say about many more things. ‘Till next post!



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