Summertime Plein Air Sketching Session
Let's go out and draw from life!
Service Description
"Plein Air" simply means "outdoors." Let's make the most of the Manitoba summer months and do some drawing in nature! Learn how to capture the essence of a tree, flower, person, rock (whatever) and make lasting memories. - Parks - Backyards - Nature Trails - Gardens There are many place with beautiful things to draw! Bring your favourite drawing tools, a water bottle, sunscreen and a chair. Contact me to plan where and when we should do it. If you've got the "when," I'll get the "where!" (or visa versa!) Minimum group size: 4 Maximum group size: whatever! There'll be room. We're outdoors! Price: By donation. (suggested price: $50 minimum) I'd appreciate having my gas money covered, plus something to cover organizing and teaching costs. But these kinds of sessions are more like a get-together and not so much like a formal teaching experience, so I feel that it behooves me to give you the option to pay what you think is fair.
Contact Details
12 Main Street